Advice to medical students: When you hear hoof beats...... .think horses......not zebras.
Ladies and Gentlemen, We Have A Zebra!
Per Wikipedia, “Zebra is a medical slang term [coined by Dr Theodore Woodward] for a surprising diagnosis. Although rare diseases are, in general, surprising when they are encountered, other diseases can be surprising in a particular person and time, and so "zebra" is the broader concept.”
My life is full of zebras.
I just received information from a client that she felt bloated on my recommended non-inflammatory diet. This diet was recommended by my coaching mentor so I posted the question of bloat on the business forum.
Energetic, smart, and professional, my mentor responded immediately. She took a lot of time and thought to write out what she thought could be the cause of my client's bloat.
What caught my attention wasn't so much what she thought the problem might be as the premise under which she made the suggestion to help my client.
Her recommendations were based on the premise that 90% of clients will respond positively to the recommended nutritional fat loss protocol and 10% are outside of this protocol. Of those 10% an even smaller group could be...[insert very educational but unimportant to the average reader prognosis].
And then it hit me.
This client is a zebra. COOL.
Most of my friends and clients are zebras.
Wikipedia declares that the name "zebra" comes from the Old Portuguese word zevra which means "wild ass". Hmmm...I am wiling to venture that most (if not all) of my very close friends are wild asses.
Zebra is prounouced “Zee-Bra” and could be used as follows: A french person would say-Please pass zee bra, I am not perky today.
Back on task....back on task....back on task.....
I seem to be a magnet for this type of person.
I spread my own zebra energy out there and the law of attraction brings them right back to me.
I have the priviledge and honor to know this minority of the population.
They are the rare and unique pearls in the ocean of humanity.
However, being a landlubber, I will go back to using a more terra firma theme to describe what these equids mean to me.
When others meet my friends they probably ask themselves, “Huh. Is this a white zebra with black stripes or a black zebra with white stripes?”
I have an answer for those people. My friends are neither black or white. These friends are are more like Yipes.
'Memba him?
That's right he's the Fruit Stripes mascot.
When I meet a new friend or client, I say to myself, “Hello new friend. Are you a wild cherry, lemon, lime, or orange stick? "
If they gallop away in fear, they are a horse.
If they stay because they are intrigued they are a zebra.
Life is never boring when you look at people that you meet through fruit stripes glasses.
My friends and clients do not meet convention. They are ethereal. They enhance my life.
To this day when I see that gum pack in the store I begin to salivate in excess of Pavlov's dogs.
Life is never boring when you look at people that you meet through fruit stripes glasses.
My friends and clients do not meet convention. They are ethereal. They enhance my life.
To this day when I see that gum pack in the store I begin to salivate in excess of Pavlov's dogs.
Although fruit stripes is not a long lasting flavor gum, to me, the flavor of my friends and who they are last a long, long, long time. It is because of them and their lingering personalities that I am the (fantastic) person that I am. Everyone of them has enhanced my life in some way. This occurs every time I meet them, talk to them or email them.
I would actually suggest this one step further....
I would actually suggest this one step further....
I don't have friends that are zebras.....they are better than that.
My friends and the clients that I attract are the unicorns of the universe. They are the the rarest of the rare. They are so unique and wonderful.
Advice to Non-Medical Personnel ISO friends: When you hear hoof beats, look for the zebra....
(added bonus zebra's have mohawks and you can't get much cooler than that!!!)
Advice to Non-Medical Personnel ISO friends: When you hear hoof beats, look for the zebra....
(added bonus zebra's have mohawks and you can't get much cooler than that!!!)