It is hard to say, objectively, which of my 3 BOX writings should be in the middle of the triptych I have unintentionally created.
Which is the true message of "stepping out"?
Which writing deserves to be the middle focal point and which are the two flanking supporting structure(d sentences)?
You can choose.
My writings on the topic of living outside of your box have hinged panels for easy transport. You can take my lessons and transport them into your everyday life. I hope that you do.
It all began this year when I was fortunate to have been cast for the rarely cast part of Tinkerbell.
I suppose I fit the stature of a Tinkerbell when I stood next to our 6'4" Peter Pan.
Once again, our director Lori, showed her prowess at casting.
Everyone was perfectly cast; and most were stepping outside of their box for a second time.
Tinkerbell was truly the role of a lifetime for me.
I mean, really, when else do you get a part where you don't need to memorize lines, you have a really cool costume and incredible makeup, you are on stage ALOT with the main squeeze (Peter Pan) and the kids hero worship you at the end of the night?
Lori had faith in me even when I wasn't sure who/what/when/where and why Tinkerbell.
Paranoia set in when some in the cast (you know who you are...teehee....) did not understand a real live Tinkerbell.....how could I possibly live up to the quickness of a laser light beam? Some cast members were probably worried about the skimpiness of my outfit (see Outta Your Box part 2).
I am not sure that I could see the vision either, but if Lori conceived my role of Tinkerbell, I leap-of-faith trusted her vision.
Strangely, and unbelievably, I did not know the story of Peter Pan and Tinkerbell before this parent's play was chosen.
Once Lori announced the cast list, I went about doing my research. I must have logged in a 40+ hour work week watching every version of Peter Pan that I could get my hands on (including our now family classic, HOOK).
After the pixie dust has settled, I realize that the thing that came out of this year's performance is that I now BELIEVE in myself.
Do you believe?
You Gotta Believe....
The title of a song in Peter Pan....Tinkerbell's song.
I wish that I could share this song with you and embed it in this blog, but if you want to hear the song, you'll have to dig a little.....here is the website where it is found....you need to go down the part where it has the “full song”: http://www.peterpanthemusical.com/licence/the-songs.html
Since our Peter Pan (James Dillion) did a MUCH better job than this canned song AND the scene is something that you need to view, I will describe the unfolding scene.
Tinkerbell has theatrically taken the poison out of Peter Pan's hands and drunk it down....saving Mr. Pan from a fate known as death....she falls down and appears dead to Pan.
Musically, the introduction of the song begins in a minor tone....
Peter Pan then asks, "Do You Believe in Fairies?" and the MAGIC begins.....
The audience is pleaded by Peter Pan to show their support by twisting and shouting their belief in fairies.
A major key ensues.
As the audience gets more and more into the song, clapping dancing and shouting, Tinkerbell is re-animated coming back to life!
As the Tinkerbell on the ground, it was one of the most exciting moments I have experienced. It began with small children saying ”I believe”....then clapping....then shouting. ...until finally, I rise and dance in the intense liveliness that they have created!
This is symbolic of how much energy can be created by believing in yourself and others believing in you too....no matter how far outside of your box you feel.
I set as my goal to be the bestest little Tinkerbell EVER!
I goal set. I GOAL SET. I goal set.
I mindset. I MINDSET. I mindset.
I believed that I could reach my goal of being the best Tinkerbell ever. I rarely lost sight of that goal. If/when I did lose sight of that goal (really, dancing by myself?), I would reset my belief the next moment, hour or day.
It's funny because I did play the “waif-like” Tinkerbell 2 weeks after another (seems like competing goal) of being the strongest I have ever been by showing my mettle in the lifting arena. How is that possible....
didn't matter.....I trusted that I would get there.
Every week, we rehearsed and I believed.
Lori took me through movements which made me feel uncomfortable.....
examples~my cat like nudge on Peter Pan
my skimpy Tinkerbell outfit
dying on stage and have someone sing a song to me
dancing on stage (grapevine) and doing a cartwheel
However, I trusted the rehearsals and that process de-sensitizing my nerves....and I overcame fear and disbelief....
I did ALL those things....and had a GREAT applause at the end of my journey.
THAT was MAJOR (key) MAGIC for me!
I have had the fortune to be in WWW (Wagon Wheels West), PoO (Phantom of the Opry), OK (Oklahoma), and now PP (Peter Pan). It was destined to be my theatrical exit...(or was it?)
OK, you know that when you have done PP/PoO, it's over for the rest of your career!
Once again, stepping into a discomfort zone has grown me as a person and business owner.
I can't thank those in this production enough.
My absolute thanks to Lori for stepping out on a limb with her vision.
A big thank you to my idolized Peter Pan for never leaving a (wo)man behind....he was the most kind and accepting person to whom I had the fortune to be a sidekick.
Lost boys....you are the BEST...you made it so easy to play off your eccentricities!
Darling boys~I loved your characters~just SO darling!
Wendy~you made it easy.
Miss Kimberly was back again this year with a bravado performance of Liza and a pirate. Newcomer, Amit Shah...THANK YOU for stepping outside of your box!
Believe me, if I can push my own boundaries, you can too.
Here is my 3rd and final revelation about
believe that you will achieve them.
Mindset is everything. ...get in the right mindset....
Mindset can set you up for failure or success....come on....
I know that you will be
but, you GOTTA BELIEVE....
I believe in you! (turn on the major music and dance!)
***(if necessary, the next set of writings will be euphemistically named “envelope pushing”....not to be confused with push-me pull you)