I have done it!
I have inadvertantly released myself of my (self-induced) promise of writing "monthly" blogs.
In a month that begins with the hailing of fools, holds the burden of a tax return deadline, and is full of showers, my lack of blog seems petty.
(Tom) Petty to some, free falling to me.
In the last few hours of the last day of April, I posted my April blog.
It shows as a March blog.
I clicked on the "publish post" on April 30, 2011 at 10:53 p.m., but because I had begun writing it in "blogger" in March, it actually "posted" as a March posting date.
Hence, there is no Apri 2011 blog.
Looking for a way to regain control over the situation, I thought about posting one that I had started writing in April.
Quickly I learned that I never started one in April 2011.
I felt the (David) Bowie knife right in the gut.....there can be no April 2011 posting....EVER.
I found that letting go of the notion of monthly posts was the best way to gain control of my expectations.
I subscribed to what I coin, "THE CATCH AND RELEASE" program.
You should try The Catch and Release Program:
Catch yourself setting (unrealistic) expectations and release those expectations.
In the end, I kinda liked this. I let go of a notion that I had glommed onto for no reason other than "it seemed right".
In fact, the posting date actually worked better since my "April" writing was lined up better as 3 of 3 box writings....
There Comes a Time in your life when you return to your (Neil) Young days when you didn't feel Helpless by not attaining your goals. I have reached that time in my life.
You might want to try it yourself. It is very freeing.
As I neatly finish my (not-always-monthly) "May" blog.... I realize that it is 15 days before the end of the month....
...this leaves room for one more blog this month...or maybe not ;-)