I have HAVE have to write this.
Albeit short.
Many years ago, in a lifetime, far far away, I was an accountant. I dreamed of writing books about Auspicious Auditors, Flirtatious Financiers, and Bodacious Beancounters.
This may be in part because I am a great lover of alliteration, but also is because I wanted to shed favorable light on those lovable accountant types.
I worked in a large CPA firm, and those accountants were funny. After my necessary two year stint in a CPA firm, I went into corporate as well as non-profit accounting until I left to raise a family.
When my children got older, I did myself and my children a favor and went back to work doing something that I loved and was able to manage time-wise. I left ye old debits and credits behind.
No more puke green accountant paper in my life.
At this stage, I barely handle my own bills and financial statements, much less other people's.
Yesterday, though, I was confronted (confounded) by an accounting joke that I created.....and it cracked me up SO much that I wanted to share it with you and shout it out loud.
Many of you will not understand what the hell I am saying.
I don't care.
It's funny.
AND....it's what got us into a lot of financial binds that we are all dealing with now.
So, what is it, you ask?
Accountants are no longer adhering to G.A.A.P. (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles).
They are now using (and have been using for some time) J.A.A.P. (my term for Jack Ass Accounting Principles. )