(Two years plus one day ago) Today I made a big change.
I took the time to come out "here" and blog.
Today I have two years and one day of experience in blogging.
Those are the not the primary differences in the two years that have passed.
In these last two years, I've learned much. I've gained confidence. I've grown personally and professionally. There is nothing in this last year that I'd erase; even the "bad stuff". I've found that "bad stuff" helps me grow more than the good stuff, especially when I am on the other side of "yuk".
Though the second year of life is often associated with the "terrible twos", I don't plan to "yes, no, I don't know" in this year's blogs. My second year of blogging, no matter how sparsely spaced, will be full of decisive opinions. I am two years older and more confident than the day I wrote my first blog.
In this last year, I have been honored to watch beloved family members, friends and clients grow physically and emotionally. I have been blessed with wonderful people in my life; and for these things I am truly thankful.
I am glad that you come along this blogging journey with me and I appreciate every minute that you spend reading my philosophies on living life to the fullest.
In this next year, I have big plans for myself, my family and my clients. Today is a great day, but next year's today will be even better...of that I am positive ;-)