Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Questions from my Husband...

 “Which Are You?”, he asked.

“Nutrition Consultant? Personal Trainer? Motivational Coach? Pick one and become the best possible expert at that.”

“I don't wanna pick ONE. I can't”,  I said.

Those annoying and probing questions fortuitously shaped the next few years of my quest to become a fitness expert.

In the trifecta of weight loss, particularly fat loss, I needed to comprehend and convey all three.   It was (and still  is) the only way to set my clients up for success.

I see fat loss as a three step process ~ each step is an interwoven and integral piece of the process.




Yes, All Three!

Mindset~In fat loss, you must first be ready and willing to push through any adversity that you may find along your way.  Often the fear of losing weight has us sabotaging our "best made plans".  Mind over matter is the only way to push past that sticky point and any other arising problems that stand in the way of you getting to your goal.

Nutrition~To maximize fat loss, you must eat correctly and you must eat “within the lines” 90% of the time. This means 6 small meals per day x 7 days=42 meals per week. You can eat 10% cheat meals (a.k.a-outside the lines); At 42 "meals"  that's only eating 4 cheats per week.  Make em big cheats because a skipped meal is considered a cheat.

Exercise~You must exercise in a fat burning way. Straight cardio routines are not going to get you to your goal, so push that outdated fitness theory out of your mind.   In order to burn fat, you must build muscle.  Strength training two to three times per week and doing an interval-cardio styled workouts two to three times a week will have you  fat-free in no time!

These are the universal rules of fat loss, successful weight management and an overall healthy life.

So, you see Mister, I couldn't pick just ONE and stick with it.

I'll continue to concentrate on being a  masterful expert at all three ;-) 

"What's that?  Write a book on what I learned?" 

"Huh.  Now maybe, just maybe, you have a good idea there!"