Perhaps , I can motivate you to empower yourself to live a healthy life.
Perhaps, I can convince you that proper nutrition and exercise are the choices you can and should make to make your life richer and better.
Perhaps I can do this without sounding preachy, peachy or over the top perky.
What we eat is probably the one thing in our crazy hectic life we can control. Yet, it is the one thing that we often feel the least amount of control over.
To better help you, here is what I can tell you about nutrition and exercise:
Food is fuel for your body. Nothing more. Fuel to sleep, sit, drive, digest, do laundry. Fuel to live your life normally. It is not about calming nerves, feeling loved, or creating happiness.
Exercise is what your body needs to remain young. I am not just talking about Ponce de Leon's vision of youth (though, exercise will actually make you look younger too). What I am saying is that you need to build/regain/maintain strength just to do ordinary things. As we age, our bodies break down and we need strength exercises more than ever just to maintain the quality of life we had in our 20's, 30's, 40's, 60's (name your decade) and beyond. Many 50, 60, 70 + year old's cannot even do their own laundry because they can't bend over and pick up the dirty clothes in their hamper.
15 years ago people “hit the gym” to supplement their lifestyle of exercise.
Back then, people mowed their own lawns, cleaned their own homes, played sports. Often in those days, commutes were not as long, so people didn't spend hours in the car driving to work or shuffling kids around. They didn't sit all day in front of a computer. They simply moved more.
At that time, those gym goers were the buff men or aerobic queens. Those gym goers were intimidating to many people who thought “oh, no, I can't sweat to the oldies” or “keep up with Ms. Fonda” or look like “Ahhh-nold”.
Guess What? The gym is not filled with those people anymore. Filled....filled....filled. Those gym goers are still around, but they are not the majority of gym goers that I see.
Today's gym is filled with more varieties of people than Heinz 57.
I am going to tell you the types of people that I see in gyms every day. It may sound like I am criticizing these people. But, I am not. I am applauding them and pointing them out to you so that YOU have a level of comfort stepping into a gym.
The people that I see filling the gym are the average Joe's and Josephina's. They are people with more than 15 lbs to lose. Many times, much more weight than that. Most of that excess weight is fat.
Average gym goers now are upper crossed and overweight.
I am not talking about a Catholic OCD sign of the cross here. This means that their shoulders are rounded inward. (HMMM...could this be from driving, computering, sitting all day?).
Average gym goers have glute amnesia.
I am not referring to “where the hell is my ass.....I haven't seen it all day”. ******** I am referring to the fact that they sit most of the day all the while tightening their hip flexors and stretching their glute muscles. Because of this, many people have no idea how to fire their backsides.....********
But, they are there, trying to get their lives back. Taking control of their bodies day by day. Oh, dear Lord, three things they weigh, way, whey. They weigh their bodies, they way their lifestyles and they eat whey to supplement muscle growth.
Weigh. What woman doesn't do this at least at some point in their lives? Men too. The scale can be a nightmare. A wake up call from that nightmare. OMG-I weigh how much?
Way. If you step back and really look at yourself now, do you like what you see? In what Way can you change your life? By stepping back and talking stock, it probably isn't what you imagined seeing. It is probably distasteful. But, with proper nutrition and movement, you can achieve a lifestyle that is leaps and bounds beyond where you are now. A rich and fulfilling life.
Whey. It isn't just for little miss muffit any more. It is a protein. Average people in the gym are eating it to achieve muscle tone and health. It is a great source of after workout nutrition. Protein (whey and the like) and unprocessed carbs need to be part of your everyday life.
I want YOU to move forward in a healthy lifestyle. I want to teach you how to do this. Nutrition and exercise are the way to get yourself back. Get back to where you once belonged.
You know that “you” are in there. I would like to help to lead you there. I would like to motivate you. I want you to feel comfortable with where you are now and confident to move forward to where you want to be.
I am grown up (okay, no I am not) and am living my dream of helping others reach their potential. How may I help you?
Feel free to fan my new Facebook business page, MuffinToppledtm. I cross-reference this blog on there and fill it with nutrition/exercise/motivation whenever the free-spirit moves me.
**************for more funny stories about backsides and what their potential is, please see my good friend, Leslie Morrisette's two blogs under: Becoming Me, Upside Down.
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