Monday, December 31, 2012

What It Takes

In 2012, I've had the pleasure of working with all of my returning clients and many new clients. I've had the fortune of training people with varied goals. I've been blessed.

A new client said to me recently, “I don't care how things taste, I'll eat the food that will get me to my goal.”

At that moment, I knew that I had a client who was going to reach his goals.

I recognized myself in him.

He was committed to his goal. He was going to reach his goal NO MATTER WHAT.

In four and a half weeks, he's reached a goal of fitting in his unbutton-able pants more quickly than anticipated.


I'm totally impressed, and I'm pretty sure he is too.

He has a few more goals he's set for himself and I know that he'll reach those too.

Through nutritional education, perseverance and work ethic, he's reached every goal he's set to date.

It's exciting to watch!

I've done a lot of thinking about the subject of setting goals and achieving them. In 2012, I set some pretty lofty goals and achieved more than expected. I've wondered how I did this. I've done hours of soul searching (okay, overly dramatic here for purposes of gaining your undivided attention) for my next book project and for my baker's dozen whole-health-wellness modules.

I've wondered how I could have achieved high aspirations, since many years ago, I was something of an underachiever.

The conclusion I've come to after many hours of thought and research is this: I committed.


I committed to achieving a goal, and never took my eye off the attainment of the end result.

My most proud moment in 2012 came when I stepped nervously on a scale in Las Vegas, NV and weighed 131.34 pounds. For those of you not used to the crazy food/weight world of powerlifters, on August 12th, 2012, I committed to getting to a new weight class for my next powerlifting meet in 10 weeks. That morning, my scales read 149 lbs, yet I made a decision I was going to get to 132 NO MATTER WHAT. I had ten weeks to reach my goal. Ten weeks that included a lot of opportunities to eat badly and drink poorly and to not train properly. But, because I committed, I planned to outwit any obstacle. Fail to plan, plan to fail. I came up with a plan A, B AND C.

When I stepped on those scales on October 18th , and had lost nineteen pounds, it was one of of the proudest moments of the year.

I see that commitment it in my client.

He's going to attain his goal, no matter what.

Success breeds success and he's on his way to long term success in whole-health-wellness.

I'm excited for him as he continues his journey and proud of him too!

What's next?


That's right...a whole NEW YEAR full of endless possibilities for each of us!

1 comment:

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